Notices: Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska

Information Regarding Updated Polish Bible

Name of translation: Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska
English name: Updated Gdańsk Bible

Name of publisher: Fundacja Wrota Nadziei
English name: Gate of Hope Foundation

Adress: Fundacja Wrota Nadziei
ul. Armii Ludowej 71B lok. 26
87-100 Toruń, Poland

Copyright information:
All rights to reproduce and distribute free of charge are granted as long as the text of said publication is not altered in any way. Reproduction and distribution for profit requires written consent from the Publisher.

Preferred abbreviation for the translation: PUBG

Information from the Publisher:

This project is being undertaken by the Gate of Hope Foundation. Its founders are Brent Riggs and Joe West. Brent and Joe have both been pastors and gospel preachers for more than 25 years. They are working closely with Polish nationals to update the old grammar and vocabulary of the 1632 Polish Gdańsk Bible. For more information, visit the website at

Ten projekt jest realizowany przez Fundację Wrota Nadziei. Fundatorami są Brent Riggs i Joe West. Brent and Joe są pastorami i kaznodziejami ewangelii od ponad 25-ciu lat. Pracują ściśle z Polakami, żeby uwspółcześnić archaiczną gramatykę i słownictwo Biblii Gdańskiej z roku 1632. Więcej informacji można uzyskać na stronie