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Version notices
Arabic: التَّرْجَمَةُ العَرَبِيَّةُ المُبَسَّطَةُ (ت ع م)
Awadhi: Awadhi Bible
Bengali: Bengali Bible
Bulgarian: Съвременен превод (СПБ)
English: Amplified Bible
English: English Standard Version
English: Holman Christian Standard Bible
English: New American Standard Bible
English: New International Version
English: New Revised Standard Version
English: Revised Standard Version
English: Working Translation: A Journey through the Acts and Epistles
German: Elberfelder (1905)
Greek: SBL Greek New Testament
Gujarati: Gujarati Bible
Hebrew OT: BHS
Hindi: Hindi Bible
Hungarian: Egyszerű fordítás (EFO)
Indonesian: Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
Indonesian: Terjemahan Baru
International English: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
Italian Nuova Riveduta 1994
Italian Nuova Riveduta 2006
Kannada: Kannada Bible
Latin: Vulgata Clementina
Malayalam: Malayalam Bible
Marathi: Marathi Bible
Nepali: Nepali Bible
Oriya: Oriya Bible
Portuguese: Versão Fácil de Ler (VFL)
Punjabi: Punjabi Bible
Russian: Современный перевод (РСП)
Simplified Chinese: 普通话本 (普通话)
Serbian: Савремени српски превод (ССП)
Spanish: La Biblia de las Americas
Spanish: La Palabra de Dios para todos (PDT)
Tamil: Tamil Bible
Telugu: Telugu Bible
Thai: Thai KJV Bible
Thai: พระคริสต​ธรรม​คัมภีร์: ฉบับ​อ่าน​เข้า​ใจ​ง่าย (ขจง))
Urdu: Urdu Bible
Ukranian: Сучасною мовою (УСП)
Vietnamese: Thánh Kinh: Bản Phổ thông (BPT)

Audio Notices
Greek NT audio Erasmus' pronunciation
Greek NT audio modern pronunciation

Many versions have been downloaded from, then converted for use at this site.

Bullinger, Rev. Ethelbert W. A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, together with an Index of Greek words and several appendices. Fourth edition, revised. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. This complete, unabridged digital edition adds lexical entries by Greek word (rather than by English word), transliterations, Strong's numbers, and unicode Greek characters. These additions are ©2008, all rights reserved worldwide.

Thayer, Joseph Henry. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti, translated, revised, and enlarged. Corrected edition. New York: American Book Company, 1889. This complete, unabridged digital edition adds transliterations, Strong's numbers, and unicode Greek characters. These additions are ©2007, all rights reserved worldwide.

Francis Brown, Samuel Rolles Driver, Charles Augustus Briggs. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, more commonly known as Brown–Driver–Briggs or BDB. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press, 1906. This complete, unabridged digital edition adds transliterations, Strong's numbers, and unicode Hebrew characters. These additions are ©2017, all rights reserved worldwide.

Schleusner, Johann Friedrich, Novum lexicon graeco-latinum in Novum Testamentum. Leipzig: Weidmann, 1820. This complete, unabridged digital edition of the original text (in Latin) adds an all-new translation of the lexicon into International English. The translation into International English is ©2019, all rights reserved worldwide.

Basic Meanings of Greek New Testament Words ©2024 All rights reserved.

Basic Meanings of Hebrew Old Testament Words, from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1890.

KJV Word Mapping links word(s) in the KJV text to the corresponding word(s) in the WH Greek text, WLC Hebrew text, and LXX Greek text. ©2008-24

Analytical Mapping links each word in WH Greek, WLC Hebrew, and LXX Greek with corresponding analytical lexical-entry details: the traditional part-of-speech information and parsing, plus translation tips, syllabification, pronunciation, and part-of-speech color-coding. ©2008-24

Word-study Family categorizes related words according to immediate family, close family members. ©2010-24

Word-study Sparkline is a miniature bar chart that shows how frequently a word occurs in each book. ©2014-24

How to Cite
Here is the most general way to cite this site, using Turabian style (simplified University of Chicago style): Available from, using a browser or app. Internet, accessed <supply the date>.
The idea is to provide enough information so that the reader can find the material you are referring to. Hence you might find that following one of these examples more helpful:, "Acts 1." Available from (enter: Acts 1). Internet; accessed <supply the date>., "agape." Available from (enter: agape). Internet; accessed <supply the date>.

How We Handle Proposed Corrections to the Digital Edition of a Version
When someone reports a proposed correction to a version we display, and we can confirm the need for that correction (by comparing digital, scanned, and print editions available to us), we make that correction if the version is in the public domain; otherwise we notify the copyright holder of the correction, asking for permission to make the correction.